The Knowledgeable Cause

My name is M.J. I am currently 19 years old, and 20 years old this year in 2018. I am an avid gamer in Warframe, but to take my time off, I read books and watch anime, preferably comedy and romance.

As a Singaporean, I am proud to talk about my nation's problems, and discuss about it. I am currently a student in Singapore Polytechnic, Diploma of Business IT. A worrywort and a price-enthusiast. This is my one of my projects for module name "Web Client Development". But you may ask, how did I end up here anyway?

I was from Lakeside Primary School and graduated at 2011, went through Yuan Ching Secondary School and graduated through N-Levels in 2015, NITEC in Business Service in 2017 and Higher NITEC in Service Management in 2018. Yes, I am no more than a first-year freshman at Singapore Polytechnic. Life in Secondary and Primary School was easy and hard at the same time. Frankly Speaking, I really hate standardised testing. What is standardised testing? Well its those MCQ questions and short-sentence questions you are always given by the teacher. Even the teachers hate it, especially its something that never changes in School Life. Either way, there is no correct choice in this world, there really isn't.

My School Life

I live in a normal school life, a "normal society" and a normal life. Our society is not normal by any means, due to economic measures and how expensive it is to buy a so-called cheap chicken rice these days. I've dealt with subjects that I do not like at all, such as mother tongue language, history and internship in the past.

Yet, when all is said and done, I do not think my life is normal at all. Its kinda weird in a way. I got in NITEC in Business Services through vacancy, but almost chose 2 years but luckily I was accepted into the 1-Year class and excelled in Service Management, after that, I came to attempt at enrolment into Singapore Polytechnic since it is so close to my address, I was very lucky, I was chosen throught JPAE into Temasek Polytechnic's Business IT course, but managed to appeal back into the Business IT course in Singapore Polytechnic, pretty lucky huh? Well, school life is tougher, but communicating with my parents is more difficult. I am very poor in chinese, especially compared to my parents who are not only decent at chinese, they are not really proficient at english, which is rather my better half of the language communication.