The Knowledgeable Cause

My Background

My Background

Welcome! This is my first attempt at creating a website!
"The Knowledgeable Cause" is an informative blog talking about various subjects regarding current events! In other words, I post articles every 1 to 2 weeks about debating subjects with an approach and desire to seek advice from newcomers to this site. You may ask, this personal blog has no sense of purpose or benefit to you, but treat it as food for thought. You never know when there are information relevant to your curiousity when the time comes. I enjoy talking to people as much as I aspire to dedicate myself to talk about important subject in this website.

Why do third-world countries exist?

Why do "third-world" countries exist?

issued on 15/5/2018

Have you ever wondered why everything is so-called "equal" in society?

Its not, the world equal is more-or-less a lie in this world.

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Does Singapore really need a policy for minimal wage?

Does Singapore need a policy for

minimal wage?

(Coming Soon!)

Its strange isn't it? To see a country without minimal wage in Singapore.

Singapore is a country that is widely considered with first-world luxeries and goods but with a third-world system, the need for income is on the rise and many look forward to their retirement, can you guess why?

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What are the factors that currently influence major climate change?

What are the factors that currently

influence major climate change?

(Coming Soon!)

What are these major players in the environment sector and how they affect us?

Sure, we have discussed climate change many times over. However, I believe that governments and environmentalists that exists in companies with CSRs, also known as corporate social responsibility, is a major factor in this world, let us analyse the major players in this industry!

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